
The best people, the latest technology

Are you looking for a place where development is not a pipe dream? Join and take the next step on your professional path with us!

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Who are we?

We are!

Where do we go from here?

We create financial solutions for entrepreneurs. We work with our Partners to continuously provide needed services and financing on a large scale for their customers. We want to make financial services as accessible and easy to use for businesses as they are for consumers. Our solutions accelerate the growth of our Partners’ businesses while helping their customers.

At we create modern financial solutions

Current job openings

What can we offer you?


Flexible approach

You can work on a contract or contract basis, in the office or remotely, in the morning or afternoon. You are the one who knows what is best for you and what circumstances unleash your productivity!

An opportunity for development

Giving the opportunity for development

Stagnation? It’s not with us! If you want to try your hand in a new area or dream of a promotion, we are the right company for you. We have clearly defined career paths, but we allow people to deviate from them in search of their own.

A cohesive team

We are a close-knit team

We enjoy working with each other, do not create unnecessary distance and do not pile up formalities. We help each other and try to create a team where everyone feels comfortable. Many of us work remotely, so we make sure that we can get together once in a while and spend time together outside of work.

Competitive salary and benefits

We offer a competitive salary and a range of benefits

Each job offer includes a salary range, so you know right away if we can meet your financial expectations. We also offer a range of non-salary benefits: medical and sports packages, online English lessons taught by native speakers. We subsidize individual training.

How to join

We planned the recruitment process in such a way as not to waste your time and ours. We don’t like recruitment to drag on for months, so we make it clear what you can expect!

Najpierw skorzystaj z formularza i wyślij aplikację – pamiętaj o załącznikach!
Następnie przeanalizujemy Twoje CV i/lub portfolio. Jeżeli spodoba nam się to, co zobaczymy, zadzwonimy do Ciebie. Analiza zajmie nam najwyżej tydzień.
Kolejnym krokiem jest wykonanie zadania rekrutacyjnego – o ile stanowisko, na które aplikujesz, tego wymaga. Przygotowujemy je tak, by nie zajęły zbyt dużo czasu, ale jednocześnie mogły nam pokazać, jak dobrze radzisz sobie z istotnymi zagadnieniami. Od momentu otrzymania wykonanego zadania potrzebujemy dwóch dni na odpowiedź.
Ostatnim etapem jest rozmowa rekrutacyjna – w jej ramach Twój przyszły Team Leader zada Ci kilka pytań, ale także wysłucha Twoich i chętnie na nie odpowie. Rozmowa potrwa około godziny. Po jej zakończeniu odezwiemy się w ciągu 7 dni i przedstawimy Ci naszą decyzję.

Regardless of the outcome of the recruitment, you can count on feedback from us. We will contact you up to a week after the interview.

Our stories

Maria Nedzinska

Developer / Team Leader

I started at right after completing the PHP Developer bootcamp, while I was still studying humanities. I didn’t know much, but I was full of enthusiasm and knew I had to keep asking and learn quickly.

I have gone through servicing simple e-commerce platforms, a project involving rewriting a SaaS platform and development work in a FinTech application in a development team led by an experienced Team Leader. Today, I am a Team Leader myself of a team of seven people. On a day-to-day basis, we design and deliver BNPL solutions for some of the largest companies in the e-commerce and B2B platforms market.

What I appreciate about is the opportunity for growth, the presence of inspiring people and the fact that no one puts up barriers to good ideas – no matter who proposes them. It is because of these qualities of the organization that I have grown as a specialist and as a person – working here shows that “to want is to be able to”!

Grzegorz Boczar

Software Engineer

In 2019, my professional career has evolved to become more than just an office job. I turned it into a lifestyle and an ongoing adventure, packing my work into a backpack and heading out into the world. What didn’t sit well with me was the developing trend at the time, in which people were quitting their jobs and going on the trip of a lifetime. Instead, I liked the prospect of working from anywhere in the world. Fully remote service delivery was not yet a popular solution at the time, but I was given the green light to pursue my idea and develop best practices for remote collaboration.

I have already worked on almost every continent. I’ve done code review with a view of the Sydney Opera House, committed changes on the roof of a skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur, and in the south of Costa Rica I was accompanied at work by toucans flying outside my window. There are programmers who turn coffee into code. In my case, more lines of code and my own development are driven by new destinations and fulfilled dreams, and I leave the coffee for others 🙂

Do you have questions?

Write to Monica!

Monika Rakowska

HR Manager