Company Loan

Case Study

Shoper is a turnkey software for running an online store (SaaS). The platform allows for comprehensive support of e-business – from graphic creation of the store, through orders to advanced statistics. Shoper merchants also have access to additional services, including financial services.

Corporate loan (from
from PragmaGO Group)

Case study Shoper - corporate loan

Where did the idea for the service come from?

Współpraca z PragmaGO jest bardzo sprawna i w pełni partnerska. Wyróżnia ją wspólne dążenie do rozwoju i ulepszania produktu w oparciu o najlepsze technologie oraz wieloletnie doświadczenie w finansowaniu przedsiębiorstw online. E-sklepy korzystające z platformy Shoper potrzebują finansowania, które jest technologicznie zaawansowane, elastyczne, szybkie i transparentne – taki właśni produkt dostarcza PragmaGO. W efekcie Klient, dosłownie w kilka minut, bez wychodzenia z domu, całkowicie online, niezależnie od pory dnia i nocy, może wnioskować o wygodną i atrakcyjnie cenową pożyczkę, którą może przeznaczyć na dalszy rozwój swojego e-sklepu. Dokładnie wtedy kiedy tego potrzebuje i kiedy jest to dla niego wygodne. Dzięki współpracy z PragmaGO nasi użytkownicy mogą na “własnej skórze” przekonać się o praktycznych korzyściach dla biznesu z wdrożenia prawdziwie fintechowych rozwiązań. 

Lukasz Piechowiak

Head of Financial Services, Shoper

Company loan – what does it consist of?

1. Merchant receives information about the individual available funding limit – even before they apply for it. This limit is calculated automatically, among other things. Based on the store owner’s turnover. All you need to do is set up an account at (PragmaGO Group) through Shoper Payments (operator of Autopay).

(2) The presentation of an individual financing limit is possible thanks to the technical integration between (PragmaGO Group) and Shoper Payments (operator of Autopay).

3 The entrepreneur selects the amount of the loan, checks the terms of the agreement, and then signs it with an SMS code. He receives the funds directly to the company account by express transfer.

View of the selection of the amount of the company loan

4 The repayment will be collected automatically, and the amount will depend on the merchant’s current sales and turnover.

View of loan application confirmation

Money even in the middle of the night

5:27, 21:39, 23:40 – even at such hours Shoper merchants apply for a company loan. It’s very convenient – the entrepreneur comes home from work, focuses on his private life, then at any time he can get back to business and take care of its financing. He will receive the money in his account even the next day and can immediately use it, for example, to purchase goods or marketing activities to increase sales.

61% of merchants who have used a company loan are reaching for it again!

Benefits for merchants

Clear information about the amount of the maximum limit, calculated on the basis of previous turnover in Shoper Payments (operator Autopay).

You too can offer your customers deferred payment for B2B

Introduce new payment methods that can achieve up to three times the value of your shopping cart.