Let’s show PragmaPay to your B2B customers
In order for your store’s users to start using PragmaPay, they first need to know that they have this option. Let’s show them together how they will benefit from the new forms of payment, so that you too can earn more!
PragmaPay logos
PragmaPay logos
Use logos in the right formats and colors so that customers know as soon as possible that they can use PragmaPay in your store!
When PragmaPay customers see our logo, they will be bolder to shop at your store.
Add the PragmaPay logo on your store’s promotional materials and on the channels where you advertise your services.
When choosing a logo, make sure it’s visible so it doesn’t blend into the background and has enough prominence.
Guide for online stores
Guide for online stores
How can you most effectively present the PragmaPay method in your store to get the word out to your business customers?
Download our guide containing a collection of all tips and share it with the people you work with to effectively implement the service and reap maximum financial benefits!
Place a banner on the homepage
Place a banner on the homepage
Whenever you have something important to communicate, you use the home page. When something appears there, you send a clear signal.
You can place a graphic announcing PragmaPay on the slider or within the main section – so that it is visible right after you enter the site it is worth knowing about.
Window before closing the page
Window before closing the page
Users are leaving your site?
Remind them of the most important change of the last few days! Set up a pop-up that will appear when a user moves the cursor toward the browser’s tab disable button.
Top bar or bottom bar
Top bar or bottom bar
A thin bar at the top or bottom of the page isn’t obtrusive and does a great job of informing you of the change – especially if you set it to slide out from under the menu as you scroll the page.
Contrasting graphics with the layout, a short, on-target slogan and there we have it!
Show off new payment methods
Show off new payment methods
Surely you have a place where you list the available payment methods. Quick transfer, BLIK, ApplePay….
Include PragmaPay’s logo in this list to make sure your customers see the full range of options!
Graphics on login and registration pages
Graphics on login and registration pages
Returning customers may skip the store’s home page – some will go straight to the login page, so make sure your store is ready for this scenario.
Also make sure you have the right presentation on the registration page, which some people will hit while shopping. Information about deferred payment and installment purchases may determine their willingness to register!
Information on the list of products
Information on the list of products
Users are leaving your site?
Remind them of the most important change of the last few days! Set up a pop-up that will appear when a user moves the cursor toward the browser’s tab disable button.
Reminder on the product card
Reminder on the product card
Users are leaving your site?
Remind them of the most important change of the last few days! Set up a pop-up that will appear when a user moves the cursor toward the browser’s tab disable button.