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Video marketing in e-commerce – how to use videos in promoting an online store?

We have heard more than once and more than twice that “the coming year will be the year of video marketing,” but in 2024 the case is clear – the video form has established itself on the market for good, and today it is difficult to imagine conducting promotional activities of a company without using this very format. Today we will lean into the question of how online stores can use the potential inherent in videos to achieve their marketing goals.
Read our guide to find out:

Key features of video marketing

The most important distinguishing feature of video is its ability to effectively convey information through a combination of audio and video. Presenting a product on video gives customers the opportunity to look at it more closely, estimate the scale and set it in reality. There’s a reason we prefer to see clothes on a model or model than hanging on a hanger, just as a car speeding down the road looks better than standing in a garage.

Product video content is also a great way to increase brand recognition, build trust and increase conversions, which will ultimately translate into more sales. The presentation, which is made by a store employee or a hired actor, can highlight the product’s distinctive features and advantages, while showing potential customers what the product looks like in real life – for example, placed in an apartment.

Source: MediaExpert channel on YouTube

How to use video marketing in the e-commerce industry?

Ways to implement video marketing for an online store are numerous. From simple product presentations (for example, 360° video, to full-fledged commercial spots, shorts and tutorials, to reviews, prepared in collaboration with influencers – there’s plenty to choose from, and any of these formats could be perfect for your store.

Way one: just show the product

A short video that showcases a product from all sides – for example, using a kit that allows 360° footage – is a solution that requires relatively little effort, while still allowing customers to get an in-depth look at the product. In this way, they will be able to see its appearance from all sides, which will make it easier to make a purchase decision if what they see meets their expectations.

Way two: show the product and tell about it

Shown a little earlier, the several-minute presentation of the TV is a great example of a video that strongly engages the viewer. A presenter who gives the impression of knowing his stuff (we don’t know if that’s actually the case), a handful of technical details, but most importantly a TV still playing in the background. With this video, we see the product in action and can imagine what the content we will watch on it at home will look like.

Way three: record a video tutorial

Not every product is ready to use right out of the box. Sometimes a little more in-depth discussion is needed. If you are selling board games, you can prepare a so-called “board game”. video instruction, which is a video telling you how to play the selected title. If you sell car parts, the video can tell you about the most common mistakes in self-assembly or point out the vehicle models for which the part fits.

Way four: shoot a commercial spot

In 2024, advertising spots will still be created and will be effective. Allegro’s annual Christmas ad shows that the center of the spot does not have to be the product itself, and the emotions it evokes are the most important. But don’t worry – you don’t need Allegro’s budget to create an ad that reaches your customers.

This is perfectly illustrated by the example of the SFD company, which created a spot undoubtedly modeled on the style, presented by Allegro, and was able to simultaneously present its, after all, specific products:

Source: SFD channel on YouTube

Such an advertising spot doesn’t necessarily put products in front of the viewer’s face – it’s often an opportunity to tell a memorable story, for which the product is meant to be nothing more than a backdrop.

Way five: show the effects of using the products

We talk so much about selling a product and presenting it in the best possible way, but nothing compares to showing what we can achieve with the product. Such a film does not have to be a high-budget production.

Are you selling a high-end microphone? Make a short video demonstrating the sound quality you can get from it. Do you sell lighting for your home? Show in the video how the environment changes by including lamps in the arrangement. Do you offer pet food in your store? Show how they munch on products from your store.

It is the achievement of the desired effect that your customers care most about. Make their decision easy and show them what to expect!

Way six: use the services of an influencer

A nationally known actor is not necessarily the best choice. A lot depends on the product, but if you are selling specialized things, for a narrow audience, it is certainly better to invite a person who is respected in the group.

If trekking boots are shown and reviewed by Luke Supergan, customers unfamiliar with the subject will gain confidence in your products precisely because they previously trusted a professional. Even if his assessment is not to praise your product, you stand to gain a lot, because an increasingly strong currency among influencers is honesty and the fact that you can rely on them.

The same shoes can, of course, show everyone Julia Wieniawa, but her involvement will consume a much larger budget, and the reliability of such an assessment may leave much to be desired.

Video marketing in e-commerce: summary

Video marketing is a bottomless well when it comes to the multitude of options and formats available. Video content is assimilated most readily, and promotional activities for e-commerce will have a place for both short and longer video forms. Regardless of the type of products you offer in your store, you are sure to find the kind of videos that will support your marketing efforts. However, if you’re new to video marketing, try first creating productions that won’t overburden your company’s budget. Over time, when the first attempts prove successful, introduce more time-consuming forms that require more work and resources.

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