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Guide to Facebook Ads – how to advertise on Facebook?

Although the peak of Facebook’s popularity has passed, Mark Zuckerberg’s work is still an important platform for many users and, therefore, also for advertisers. Today we will explain step by step how you can advertise your products on Facebook.
Read our guide to find out:

Facebook’s potential is not easy to determine, but it can be done

In many guides to advertising on Facebook, we can find information about how many users are using the portal – all to show how many people we can reach with our products and ads. In reality, however, the figure of less than 3 billion active users has no bearing on the actual potential of the platform. So let’s focus on Poland itself.

In December 2023, Facebook recorded 24 million active users in Poland, but it is estimated that about 5% of accounts are so-called “fake accounts.” However, these data still do not tell us much. To narrow down your audience a bit, consider what age your potential customers are, what they do for a living, where they come from, what gender they are, what they are interested in, and how much money they spend online – all of these elements (and many more) make up the customer persona, or image of your company’s ideal customer. We’ll come back to it in a moment.

Facebook’s potential varies by age group. This is particularly evident among young people, who are more frequent and willing to use new social media platforms such as TikTok. So if you want to reach the youngest Internet users with your advertising message, consider launching your marketing efforts right on TikTok. In other cases, Facebook will still be the best option – both in 2024 and in at least a few more.

Facebook advertising step by step

With Facebook ADS, you can reach a wide audience and show them your products or services. Facebook’s rulers have put a powerful tool in the hands of users – the META ad manager. It makes it possible to create ads that help achieve very different goals.

If you already have a company’s Facebook page, you have surely noticed or have noticed the “promote post” button. It is visible under the posts you publish. It is worth knowing that using this option rarely makes sense – promoting content in this way leaves most to chance, and achieving favorable results borders on the miraculous. Use the META ad manager for Facebook ads.

To begin with, you need to create a META Business Suite account – you create it at https://business.facebook.com. From the Business Suite you will set up an advertising account for your brand.

Facebook Ads – advertising targets

The advertising targets you can start with to create Facebook ads are:

Once you have selected your campaign goal, go to the next screen. There, first name the campaign – preferably in such a way that you can easily find it in the future. It is good for the campaign name to include the name or type of product being promoted and the type of advertising campaign. It is also a good idea to add a date or period to the name – this will be especially important when you create many more campaigns.

Configure further campaign elements

The next step is to select a category – this only applies to campaigns that fit into one of the four available categories: credit, employment, real estate, and social, electoral or political themes. If your ad should be in one of these groups, and you don’t mark the category, Facebook may withdraw the campaign.

special category advertising in facebook ads

At this stage you can still change the goal of the campaign and set up A/B tests – we’ll come back to them. The next few settings vary depending on the selected target, so we won’t discuss them now – but they are quite clear.

Set pixel, conversion event and budget

Further down the line, you can choose a Meta pixel, which we will talk more about later in the text. If you already have a pixel configured, be sure to check this option.

A conversion event is an element that an ad should recognize as a conversion. It works in conjunction with the pixel. You can choose from a rather long list that includes contact, view content, add product to cart, add to wish list or purchase, among others.

Another important issue is setting an advertising budget. You can set a daily or total campaign budget at this stage. At this stage you will also set a start date and, optionally, an end date for the campaign. If you don’t set an end date, your campaign will run as long as there is enough money in the budget. For the first campaigns, it’s a good idea to start with small amounts so that, should the campaign prove ineffective, you don’t burn through your budget.

Facebook pixel – what is it and why should you configure it?

The Facebook pixel – actually a Meta pixel – is a code that you can place on your website. This code measures the effectiveness of your ads by taking into account the behavior of users who have gone from Facebook to your store’s website, for example.

How to create a Meta pixel in Facebook Ads?

A properly configured Meta pixel also helps display Facebook ads to the right audience. As a result, it also helps boost sales – for example, by enabling you to reach users who care about completing purchases.

The pixel will activate every time a user takes an action on your website, be it adding a product to the shopping cart or moving to another subpage. The data thus received will be transferred to your Meta account, where you can analyze it and select the appropriate group to which you want to show further ads.
You can create and configure a Meta pixel using the official Meta guide.

Audience groups

The next step in the process of creating Facebook Ads, is to determine the audience. It’s obvious that you don’t want your ad to reach all Facebook users. The only result would be the rapid depletion of the budget, without any positive effects. The Meta ad manager allows you to set up your ad so that it displays to a fairly specific audience – as specific as you set it to.

Setting up an audience in Facebook Ads

We can choose from criteria such as location, age, gender, or language spoken by the recipient, but that’s not all. Detailed targeting options, where you can specify additional criteria based on users’ interests, behaviors or demographics, are very important.

Detailed targeting options in Facebook Ads

But how do you know who to look for and how to set it up? A marketing persona can help find the answer.

Why is the customer’s persona so important?

When creating graphics and content and configuring Facebook ads, you are looking at everything from your own perspective. This is natural, but you should get rid of this reflex as soon as possible. After all, you will not be the recipient of the ad, and you are not the one who is supposed to feel encouraged to buy the product or service. That is why it is necessary to know your customers.

Ideally, you already know them: you know who buys from you, you know what they need and how you can solve their problems. Creating a customer persona helps especially those companies that are not in an ideal situation and need specifics – a picture of the customer they are supposed to address with their message.

Persona is otherwise known as the image of an ideal customer. This picture should be as detailed as possible and, equally important, data-driven. It’s not enough to write “my company’s client is a 40-year-old entrepreneur who spends his day in business meetings,” although that’s hardly the worst introduction. To create an effective customer persona, it is best to rely on data about your current customers. Learn as much as you can about them and compile this knowledge into a charter of one or more sample clients.

Here is an example of a client’s persona, prepared for an HR agency offering its services in recruiting and managing teams of employees:

facebook ads - example of customer persona

What if you don’t have any customers yet? In this case, watch the competition. Social media can help you with this. It is from them that you can learn many things about customers – both yours and someone else’s.

A persona is a kind of “resume” of an ideal customer – the kind you are looking for. When creating personas, remember that customer needs are the most important. Without them, shopping in your store makes no sense.

Consider what value your product or service provides

To realize your customers’ needs, you must offer them value. It could be high quality products, a long warranty, door-to-door service, a wide selection, or maybe low prices? There is no single right answer to the question here. On your own, you need to get to know your customers and their needs, and then figure out how your product or service will help them meet those needs.

Create an advertisement

When planning advertising, try to combine the value offered by your product with the need your audience already has. In this way, you can create effective advertising.

Graphics and content should relate to the problem the customer wants to solve or with the need they want to fulfill. Remember, however, that graphics are the first element of this basic advertising funnel. When scrolling through content on Facebook, users stop only at the content that interested them immediately. Good graphics will make the user click almost immediately. Only when there is a moment of hesitation can the matter still be saved by content. It’s a lifeline for your advertising – that’s why it’s also worth spending a lot of time on.


Run the prepared advertising variants using the tips above, but don’t spend a lot of money on them right away. At first, it’s a good idea to test the ads by setting a budget of a few tens or hundreds of zlotys. Only after the “trial period” can you determine whether the results are satisfactory, or whether something is worth improving after all.

Not sure which of the prepared variants of advertising will work best? 8 earlier, check the results of the campaign. Keep in mind, however, that – in order to achieve meaningful results – you must run all variants on the same principles, with identical settings. Only under such conditions will you have the opportunity to compare the effectiveness of your creations.

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